Friday, July 5, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Beautiful

Joining in with Lisa Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday where you write unedited for five minutes straight.  Here goes:


Everything is is society today is beautiful, or cute, or awesome.  Nothing is just average, or, heaven forbid, ugly.  I hate to be a curmudgeon, but not everything is beautiful.  I'm just as guilty as anyone.  I've yet to find a way to be honest and kind at the same time.  How do you do that?  I have a friend who speaks the unexpurgated truth, without meanness.  She just gives you her opinion, even if it's negative.  I envy her courage and honesty.

The word beautiful is so over-used, it's lost its meaning.  I must find a way to restore the beauty to the word beauty.  How are you doing that?


Five Minute Friday

Read more about beauty at Lisa Jo's blog!


Friday, March 8, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Home

I drove over 400 miles today and now I am home.  I am home in my comfy PJs.  I am home noshing on a steaming bowl of leftover spaghetti.  I am home where the kitty tries--unsuccessfully-- to help me eat the spaghetti.  I am home with my feet propped on the coffee table while writing.  I am home where I can enjoy the quiet.  It is wonderful--home.  It is the place I long for, the place I run to, the place I dream of--which is now reality.  I drove over 400 miles today and now I am, blessedly, home.

Where are you this Friday evening?


Five Minute Friday