Friday, June 1, 2012

Five Minute Friday: See

Around here we join Gypsy Mama and write for five minutes on Fridays--unedited, uninhibited, unvarnished.  Here's today's entry:


Today I see tiny beaks bobbing out of the swallows' nest on top of the porch ceiling fan.

Today I see blooms on the tomatoes and the purslane, too.

Today I see the gas gauge on the truck reads 1/8 of a tank as it sputters to a stop.

Today I see the red wasp nest newly built over the truck's gas cap.

Today I see my uncle coming to my rescue again, just as he did after my father died thirty years ago.

Today I see grass in the flower beds is overcoming the pine straw mulch.

Today I see all but one of the tender young plants survived the torrential rains last night.

Today I see the hummingbirds squabbling over the freshly-refilled feeders.

Today I see flashes of goldfinches, bluebirds, and cardinals flushing in my path.

Today I see blackberry canes bowing with red berries.

Today I see garlic plants begging for a bed rather than a pot.

Today I see the tread crumbs from my garden shoes scattered across the floor.

Today I see the roses swaying in the breeze.

Today I see the tomato vine thriving in the compost pile where it was tossed when I thought it was dead.

And, today I see today--a gift I've too often taken for granted.

Thank you, Lord, for today.

So, that's it.  Check out more Five Minute Friday entries:


  1. I was directed here from Gypsy Mama! I enjoyed seeing with you...keep writing and seeking to see with His eyes! :)

  2. Linking over from The Gypsy Mama. I could "see" all your word pictures. Had fun reading all that you saw today as blessings from God.
