Friday, August 31, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Change

Fridays around here are for writing, for five minutes, unedited, hot-off-the-press. Today's topic is


Always a good thing, right? Because lack of change is stagnation which is, after all, no change at all. But is change enough? How many times have I made a decision to change just so I would not remain the same? How often has that change effected a positive result?

In all honestly, more often than not. I think I've been lucky. Just because the results have been positive does not mean that the change was necessary or even good. Perhaps the change was safer than digging in; perhaps I should have taken another path.

All I know is that change, for change's sake, is not enough any more. I cannot just change; I must grow. Emotionally. Ethically. Spiritually.

Growth. Now that would be the right change.

Read more at Five Minute Friday!

Five Minute Friday 


  1. I like that thought. What is growth? A directional change. A change that moves forward or that makes me move forward or deeper in my walk. Not simply an interchange.

  2. I love your perspective and intentionality! -Beverly Benitez
