Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Focus

Around here we join other Five Minute Friday folds to write for five minutes, raw, half-baked, authentic.  Here's today's entry on FOCUS:



Focus?  Of course I can--look at the shiny, sparkly thing!--focus.  (Shameless, I know, but I could not resist.)

Focus.  Ahem.  Focus.  There was a time when I had focus and a mind like a steel trap.  Now, my mind is like a steel sieve.  Oh, I can focus on most of the big stuff before it oozes through the mesh, but the small stuff is beginning to get away from me.

And, there's so much of it--the small stuff.  No longer can I follow one responsibility exclusively to its conclusion; multiple activities demand my attention at the same time.  Not all of those activities are of equal importance and just prioritizing them is exhausting.  Speaking of exhausting, did you know . . .

Oops.  Focus.

It's better when I rest.  So, get enough rest.  Sure thing.  Right after I write this entry and update my blogs and plan the next activity and go to the garden and feed the cats and . . . and . . .


"Looking to Jesus . . ."


"the author . . ."


"and perfecter of our faith."

Focus.  On You.

I get it, Lord.


Read other Five Minute Friday musings from across the globe at

Five Minute Friday


  1. You and I had very similar thoughts. :-) May our focus be on Jesus today.

  2. LOVED this post! You write like my head thinks...a gazillion thoughts trying to land at the front for attention. :) Visiting from 5mF. Happy Friday!

  3. nice post thanks for sharing the 5 minutes friday...looking for to visit more..blessings
