Friday, April 27, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Community

Around here we write for five minutes on Friday--unedited, unvarnished.  Here is today's edition:


The state of communing together.

The situation of living in a sharing environment.

So, community is not a what, but a who.  A community is a group of sharing people.  But to share, they each have to have something their fellows need.  What do I have that others need?

I have information--lots of it.  I'm a veritable fountain, morass, bottomless pit of information, some of which is actually useful outside of game night or Jeopardy.

I have strategies.  After a lifetime, I've devised and adapted strategies for surviving every day in a fast-paced world.  I could share those.

I have musical talents.  They're more gifts than talents since I haven't officially worked with a coach in years.  I do share them, though, and the members of my community seem to enjoy them.

I have . . . what else?  I would have thought by this time I would have some wisdom, but, so far, I only feel like I have strategies.  So, what is wisdom?  

The Bible says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."  (Proverbs 9:10 KJV)

Perhaps that's where community starts:  communing together in the Lord, and, together, growing in wisdom.

I stink at communing, Lord, but I'm working on it.


Check out other Five Minute Friday musings:

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