Friday, April 13, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Good-Bye

Around here we write for five minutes on Friday.  Here's the latest!

God be with ye.

That's what good-bye really means.  It's a blessing usually bestowed upon parting:  since I cannot, God be with you.  It's almost like a parting hug.

And it should feel like a hug because He is with me.  All the time.  To the ends of the earth.  Even when I forget it.  Even when I stumble around trying to work things out on my own because I forget that God is with me.

I can be a real dolt sometimes.

Why do I try to work things out on my own?  Um, well, I'm stubborn and independent.

But why don't I just do what He wants?  Double ummmm, could it be because I keep forgetting to actually listen??????

Could be.

Probably is.

Certainly is.

I can be a real dolt sometimes.

Thank you for loving me anyway, Lord.

I'm listening now, I promise.

Check out other Five Minute Friday writings over at GypsyMama's!

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